Easy & Affordable
Use our free app to find trusted contractors, negotiate bids, save on materials, communicate key decisions, and stay informed during the project.
What's your project?

A Complete Home Renovation Experience

Get multiple quotes, negotiation, designed material packages, legal service contracts, a project management tool with milestone-based photo updates, and escrow payment protection
—all free for homeowners.
Get an all-inclusive design and build estimate
Tell us about your project and a comprehensive estimate will be provided to you based on costs in your area.
Review bids from pros and perform no-hassle negotiations
Level the playing field using our AI-powered Counter Bid feature, which ensures that all final bids have the same scope for a fair comparison.
Run your project with confidence
We’ll provide all necessary legal paperwork and escrow services to make it official and keep you protected.
Finish strong
Leverage milestone-based payments, so you don’t make your last payment until the job is done.
Build With The Best
Finding a dependable contractor can be challenging and time-intensive. Eano streamlines this by matching you with contractors from our premium network.
Licensed, bonded, and insured
Specialized in the work you need
Impeccable reviews and references

Renovation Tools and Services You Can Trust

Without Eano
With Eano
Risk of working with unlicensed, uninsured contractors
Vetted and bonded contractor network
Projects may go unfinished
Job completion guarantee
No simple project management and communications tool
Seamless project management and communications with the Eano App
Requires hours of selecting and purchasing materials
Upgrade to a curated Design Package for easy procurement and big cost savings
Often only accepts cash or direct deposit
Modern payment platform that accepts all forms of payment, including credit cards

Custom Designs, Quality Construction

Interior Remodeling
Flexible and affordable remodeling packages that save you time and money.
ADUs & Extensions
Add space and value to your home with fully customizable accessory dwelling units and extensions.

Featured Projects

Finance Your Project

Eano has partnered with reputable lenders to offer our clients competitive financing services.
Innovative 0% interest loans based on home equity.
Established, reputable lenders in the US.
Several financing options that fit your budget and needs.
Repay your loan at any time with no penalty.

Explore Renovation Costs in Our Service Areas